Baker Publishing Group and “97 Random Thoughts” by Justin Lookadoo.

Options are what book cover design is all about, and it gives us the chance to really get creative. We thought it might be fun to show a bit of how that process works. We generally get the title and other cover elements, along with a brief synopsis and a general idea of what the author and publisher would like to see. Next, we let the creativity flow. Once we’re happy with our ideas, we submit a range of comps that the publisher reviews. Often, there are changes or combinations of various elements, and then the front cover is finalized for marketing purposes. Generally speaking, the project will then be placed on hold for a month or so while the publisher nails down the page count, back cover text, and other necessary information. Once that info is passed on to us, we finish up the full cover and send it off to print.

Look for “97 Random Thoughts” in a bookstore near you!

Original Concepts
