Celebrating twenty-five years with a new image for a classical organization.
Salem Chamber Orchestra was originally founded in 1984 by Willamette University Professor Bruce McIntosh, as the Willamette Community Orchestra. Today, Salem Chamber Orchestra (SCO) works in association with Willamette University to provide a platform for local musicians, including university faculty and advanced students, to perform for audiences in Salem.
Looking ahead to their 25th season, SCO asked DesignPoint to assist them with a new identity that would give them a fresh and classy new look to commemorate their silver anniversary.
We began working with Salem Chamber Orchestra shortly after the start of their 2008-2009 season. What started as one or two quick projects turned into a working relationship that had DesignPoint developing most of the materials for the rest of their concert season. We even had the opportunity to attend some of the performances which provided us with excellent inspiration for the pieces we were designing; postcards, lobby posters, newspaper ads, and more.
After working closely with Salem Chamber Orchestra last year to enhance their marketing campaign, we were very excited to help them with their new identity in conjunction with their 25th Anniversary Season.
We always try to take cues from the target industry whenever we start to establish a look and feel for a campaign or logo, and in this case, we wanted to capture the feeling of classical music. Salem Chamber Orchestra’s marketing group did initial surveys of their musicians and staff to see how each envisioned themselves and SCO within the community. They had general findings which they wanted to emphasize and help guide our initial designs. Ultimately they wanted us to blend their thoughts with timeless design to create a truly professional and classic logo that would work well in various applications.
In order to convey that classical style the final logo used serif fonts, clean lines, solid colors, and a stylized f-hole element to represent the letter “S” of “SCO”. The f-hole image is an immediately recognizable element from orchestral instruments such as the violin and cello, which helps reinforce the connection between the logo and the orchestra.
As is our custom, we then began to apply the new identity to all other materials in their campaign. Our biggest initial project using the new identity was the season brochure, but we have since developed envelopes, business cards, lobby posters, and newspaper ads incorporating the new logo. We are looking forward to the rest of the 25th Anniversary Season celebration and we hope you will find time to catch a performance. They are truly amazing artists.
Some new materials for Salem Chamber Orchestra…

“Working with DesignPoint has been a breath of fresh air; they have dramatically professionalized our marketing materials, and their efficiency and quick turnaround has saved us hours of staff time in the office.”
— Noreen Murdock, Executive Directory, Salem Chamber Orchestra